Buy a SamNFT for lifetime VIP access to the hottest launchpad on the market

SamNFT holders are the core of the Samurai Starter community — pick up yours on OpenSea to gain access to tremendous benefits including lifetime top-tier launchpad access, cashback rewards, and more!


Lock SamNFT

Lock SamNFT to lifetime access to all token offerings on Samurai Starter at the highest launchpad tier. Gain guaranteed access to amazing token offerings from the most innovative and hyped projects in the Web3 space.

Samurai Points Boosters

For each SamNFT locked (up to 5), you earn boosters to increase your Samurai Points earned from all platform activities.

NFTs Locked

Samurai Points Booster

1 SamNFT


2 SamNFTs


3 SamNFTs


4 SamNFTs


5 SamNFTs


My SamNFT Locks

Number of SamNFTs Locked: 0 SamNFTs

Lifetime Launchpad Access

Lifetime Points Booster Obtained

Please visit our Samurai Points page (coming soon) to see your Samurai Points balance.



- New minted NFTs will appear here